

The 40 Sounds (Phonemes) of USA English and Sample Words



Traditional Spelling

Truespel Speleeng




1    ~a

mad, hat, apt, and, pal, panda

~mad, ~hat, ~apt, ~and, ~pal, ~pandu

2   ~aa

father, hop, aardvark, knock

~faather, ~haap, ~aardvaark, ~naak

3   ~ae

sundae, make, paid, anchor, eight

~sundae, ~maek, ~paed, ~aenker, ~aet

4   ~au

author, awful, boss, ball, thought

~authher, ~aufool, ~baus, ~baul, ~thhaut

5   ~air

fair, bare, wear, aerate, there, their

~fair, ~bair, ~wair, ~airaet, ~thair, ~thair

6   ~b

born, baby, bullet, bobble, imbibe

~born, ~baebee, ~boolit, ~baabool, ~inbbieb

7   ~ch

chain, church, patch, recharge

~chaen, ~cherch, ~pach, ~reecchhaarj

8   ~d

done, down, dirty, indeed

~dun, ~doun, ~dertee, ~inddeed

9   ~e

get, effort, entrance, gentle

~get, ~efert, ~entrints, ~jentool

10   ~ee

sea, scene, being, sweetly

~see, ~seen, ~beeyeeng, ~sweetlee

11   ~er

sir, fur, sure, courier, murder, word

~ser, ~fer, ~sher, ~kereeyer, ~merder, ~werd

12   ~f

fan, phrase, fluffy, offer, inferred

~fan, ~fraez, ~flufee, ~aufer, ~infferd

13   ~g

gauge, garbage, garage, engorge

~gaej, ~gaarbij, ~gurraaj, ~enggorj

14   ~h

hurt, inhale, heaven, behave

~hert, ~inhhael, ~hevin, ~beehhaev

15   ~i

infant, pilot, witness, invidious, fitted

~infint, ~pielit, ~witnis, ~invvideeyis, ~fitid

16   ~ie

giant, glide, mighty, crying

~jieyint, ~glied, ~mietee, ~krieyeeng

17   ~j

jungle, judge, genius, ingested

~jungool, ~juj, ~jeenyis, ~injjestid

18   ~k

cackle, carry, inquest, encouraged

~kakool, ~kairee, ~inkwest, ~inkkerijd

19   ~l

lama, will, follow, believe

~laamu, ~wil, ~faaloe, ~billeev

20   ~m

mud, mom, immune, tomorrow

~mud, ~maam, ~imyyuen, ~tummaaroe

21   ~n

noon, knight, benign, winning

~nuen, ~niet, ~binnien, ~wineeng

22   ~oo

wool, could, good, bull, full, put

~wool, ~kood, ~good, ~bool, ~fool, ~poot

23   ~oe

go, though, know, don't, toe, road

~goe, ~thoe, ~noe, ~doent, ~toe, ~roed

24   ~ou

how, proud, vowels, pounce, down

~hou, ~proud, ~voulz, ~pounts, ~doun

25   ~oi

toil, point, enjoy, boy, royal

~toil, ~point, ~enjjoi, ~boi, ~roil

26   ~or

more, floor, warm, hoard

~mor, ~flor, ~worm, ~hord

27   ~p

pop, implore, apply, whipping

~paap, ~impllor, ~upllie, ~wipeeng

28   ~r

rare, crane, impress, roar

~rair, ~kraen, ~imprres, ~ror

29   ~s

sting, pieces, insane, insistence

~steeng, ~peesiz, ~inssaen, ~inssistints

30   ~sh

shine, insure, precious,

~shien, ~inssher, ~preshis, ~

31   ~t

time, start, attack, betting

~tiem, ~staart, ~uttak, ~beteeng

32   ~th

the, that, breathing, without

~thu, ~that, ~breetheeng, ~witthout

33   ~thh

thin, theory, breath, rethink

~thhin, ~thheeree, ~brethh, ~reetthheenk

34   ~u

of, love, above, mother, America

~uv, ~luv, ~ubbuv, ~muther, ~Ummairiku

35   ~ue

true, suite, new, to, huge, balloon

~true, ~suet, ~nue, ~tue, ~hyuej, ~bulluen

36   ~v

vivacious, prove, envy, invade

~vivvaeshis, ~pruev, ~envee, ~invvaed

37   ~w

why, awhile, once, reward

~wie, ~uwwiel, ~wunts, ~riwword

38   ~y

yes, beyond, create, idea

~yes, ~beeyyaand, ~kreeyyaet, ~ieddeeyu

39   ~z

zoo, bizarre, business, choices

~zue, ~bizzaar, ~biznis, ~choisiz

40   ~zh

azure, vision, Georges

~azher, ~vizhin, ~Zhorzh




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